Category Archives: Superhero

X-Men: Blogs of Future Past

Can you believe it?! It’s our six-month bloggiversary! And what better way to spend it than by reviewing another Jennifer Lawrence movie?

X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014) | Trailer
Run Time: 131 minutes

Rated: PG-13 (For sequences of intense sci-fi violence and action, some suggestive material, nudity and language.)
Directed By: Bryan Singer

As a huge fan of X-Men: First Class and a not-so-huge fan of the first X-Men trilogy, I’ll be first to admit that I had some serious reservations about X-Men: Days of Future Past and its blending of the two universes. So much so, in fact, that I almost didn’t want to see this new film. I’m certainly glad I decided to see Days of Future Past and give it a shot because director Bryan Singer nailed it. The movie centers around government created Sentinels whose sole purpose is destroying mutants and anyone who could possibly spawn a mutant down the road by reading their genetics. The future is a bad, bad place and the world’s only hope relies on sending Wolverine’s consciousness back to the 70s to help prevent the creation of the Sentinels. This is probably Hugh Jackman’s best and most nuanced performance as Wolverine and with how much screen time he gets, we should all be thankful for that. James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender are the absolute perfect young Professor X and Magneto and Fassbender in particular delivers and incredible performance showcasing just how powerful and bad ace Magneto can be. One of my misplaced fears with this film was that there’d be an attempt to force feed the audience the old cast members from the original series without much rhyme or reason. Luckily, they’re handled great by Singer, only featured sporadically and in ways that make sense. The character that steals the show: Quicksilver, played by Evan Peters. There’s one scene in particular that’s the most visually engaging scene I’ve seen in a super hero movie in a long time. Super Speed characters have never been showcased in this way, and it makes me really excited to see what they can do in the future with Quicksilver or even a character like the Flash. Now, you have to know that some of the plot is a little convoluted, but I’m giving some leeway here because they attempted to bridge two series and introduce time travel and that’s a tough task for anyone. We are in the golden age of super hero films right now and X-Men: Days of Future Past is another great addition to the upper echelon.
Bottom Line: It would have been 5/5 if it weren’t for the overly complex aspects of the plot. But all in all, it’s a really great movie with big special effects, compelling characters and a great lead-in to the next sequel. X-Men fans rejoice, we’re finally getting the movies the mutants deserve.
Rating: 4/5

I’m not sure how people generally feel about the X-Men movies, but for the most part I’ve liked them. X-Men: Days of Future Past is absolutely no exception. Not only is it an exciting story that keeps you (or me at least) sitting anxiously on the edge of your seat (or laying on super comfy seats), but it’s also well made, and the perfect reboot of the series. The past and present versions of the characters working together to rewrite their future is awesome, even if it’s only to see Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellan back again as Professor X and Magneto. I’m obsessed with James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender, who both performed fabulously. My favorite character, who I wish could have had more screen time was Peter, who offered such great comic relief in an otherwise slightly stressful movie. Even though I’m no history buff, I appreciated how Singer tied in aspects of the Magic Bullet theory and Kennedy’s assassination.
Bottom Line: Days of Future Past perfectly ties in all previous X-Men movies while flawlessly carrying the story forward. See it, even if you haven’t seen the others. You won’t be disappointed.
Rating: 4.5/5

This has been the third superhero movie we’ve reviewed recently. I’m not complaining! I’ve loved them all. And unfortunately, I’m going to end up giving them all the same score, which makes no sense. Because this one beats both the Cap and Spidey. (Geez, DC, where you at?)
This movie has everything! Sweet action sequences. Peter Dinklage as the bad guy. More super powers than can fit in one fight scene. The best parts of the original and new casts. Moral dilemmas. And a Richard Nixon look-a-like.
I would say this movie is not for the faint of heart. Hopelessness is a key element. Young Professor X (James McAvoy) can’t handle the loss of his legs, his best friend, and his sister, so he shoots up wannabe-heroin every night. The future X-Men are being exterminated at every turn and must send Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) back to 1974 to stop any of this from starting. Young Mystique (Jennifer Lawrence) is considering assassinating an anti-Mutant scientist (Peter Dinklage) to save her race. It’s a lot to handle for 2.5 hours.
Bottom Line: See it in theatres! But don’t go to AMC Centerpoint on Mill, because I want that to stay our little secret. 
Rating: 4/5


Summer Movie Preview!

Finals are over. Arizona has already had its first 100° day. Flip-flops and jeans shorts have made their debut. You know what that means!

Summer Movies are here!


Here’s what we’re excited for, skeptical about, and just downright not going to see this coming summer:

Most Excited to See: The Fault in Our Stars (Trailer)
Two teenagers with cancer become friends. So many emotions. The book was great. The author is awesome. (This will probably be my ride along, so you may see it on the blog later.)

Skeptical, But Probably Still Gonna See It: The Giver (Trailer
I’ve read the book a few times over the years and loved it, but the trailer doesn’t look anything like what I ever imagined. I suspect the popularity of The Hunger Games/Divergent is at fault. Maybe it’ll win me over by August.

No Way Am I Seeing This: Transformers 4: Age of Extinction (Trailer)
This should be a given. Sure, they’ve gotten rid of Shia LaBeouf and Megan Fox, but it’s still the same old franchise. No thank you.

Most Excited to See: 22 Jump Street (Trailer)
I was so surprised at how much I loved the first one but after seeing Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum’s chemistry on screen, I don’t know how anyone could pass this movie up. Jonah Hill is such an underrated comedy actor, and I can’t wait to see his performance in this.

Skeptical, But Probably Still Gonna See It: X-Men: Days of Future Past (Trailer)
First Class was so great that I can’t believe I’m doubting the sequel. To me, there’s just no good reason to bring back Jackman, Berry, etc. into this franchise. The first X-Men franchise grew so tiresome so quickly with that cast that I think it’s a huge misstep to bring them into this one. That said, I’m going to have to give it a shot and just hope I’m wrong.

No Way Am I Seeing This: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Trailer)
Two Michael Bay movies in one summer, smh. I just can’t bring myself to watch one of the most beloved childhood franchises burn in flames at the hands of Mr. Bay for a second time. Not going to give this one a moment’s thought when it releases.

Most Excited to See: How to Train Your Dragon 2 (Trailer)
This was a tough one that was almost a three way tie with 22 Jump Street, Million Dollar Arm, and the new X-Men until I came across this on the list. The first one was just so good. I’m a little nervous since it’s a sequel, but the previews so far look promising.

Skeptical, But Probably Still Gonna See It: Guardians of the Galaxy (Trailer)
Because it looks like it could be funny, and it’s got Chris Pratt.

No Way Am I Seeing This: The Purge: Anarchy (Trailer)
I don’t know what movie this is a sequel to and I don’t care. I’m sure it will be a well made, entertaining movie, but I couldn’t watch it. I get scared way too easily and this just seems too real and too dark.

The Amazeblog Spider-Man 2

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014) | Trailer
Run Time: 142 minutes

Rated: PG-13 (For sequences of sci-fi action/violence.)
Directed By: Marc Webb

The long awaited sequel to the new era of Spider-Man movies is finally here. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is filled with more villains and therefore, more action than the first. There is also a good amount of much needed backstory dealing with Peter’s parents that not only serves as a quick refresher but also aids the current storyline. Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone are beyond perfect, as expected. Seriously, it’s worth seeing just because of the two of them. That being said, the complexity of the plot and all the new characters makes it somewhat difficult to care to follow along. Especially when, once Spider-Man finally defeats one villain there’s another one immediately ready to destroy him. I did like how they introduced the next movie’s villain though.
Bottom Line: Overall, it was good. A little overly ambitious, but entertaining nonetheless. Plus, it’s still miles ahead of the original series
Rating: 3.5/5

While writing this, I keep fighting the urge to compare it to Captain America 2. Both Marvel, both sequels, both awesome. But where I felt like Cap was always solving problems and bringing hope, Spidey is dealing with grief and disappointing loved ones. TASM2 shows the tension between normal life and superhero life. Or really how you can’t please everyone without destroying your own identity.
There are plenty of quips and puns. Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield bring their innate silliness and charm to their characters. Jamie Foxx (although I think is a weird casting choice) plays an adorably awkward Oscorp employee. And Dane DeHaan is perfect as the abandoned billionaire’s son. Are you rooting for or against him? Is he charming or creepy? Does he look more like Leonardo DiCaprio or Cillian Murphy?
There were a lot of heart-wrenching moments, especially the scene where Peter Parker has to remind Aunt May that even though he wants to know why his parents left him, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t love her. She’s “more than enough.” Oh, the feels.
Bottom Line: Better than the first one. See it in the theatre. And get ready for me to do this all the time. Tsst.
Rating: 4/5

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is the much anticipated sequel to Marc Webb’s reboot of the Spider-Man series and to be honest, I didn’t think it looked that great based on the trailers. I wasn’t excited to see Jamie Foxx as Electro, didn’t think he could deliver and I was worried that Webb would fall into the same trap Sam Raimi did with the first series of not weaving a storyline between the movies and relying too much on the stand alone aspects of each movie. TASM2 opens with Spider-Man flying through the city in pursuit of some Russian gangsters trying to flee with stolen plutonium. Andrew Garfield achieves the balance of hero and snarky teenager perfectly throughout the film and starts strong in this first scene. There’s way too much storyline to sum up here between Harry Osborn, Max Dillon/Electro, Peter Parker’s parents, the Gwen Stacy relationship drama and the internal struggle of Peter coming to terms with all of it… There’s a lot going on in these 2+ hours. It seems some critical feedback on this movie sees these multiple storylines as too ambitious and ultimately taking away from the movie as a whole but I found it quite interesting and a more realistic picture of what it would be like to live life as Spider-Man. The acting and cgi make this movie shine and the decision to spread the focus around to other characters and storylines make TASM2 a fun roller coaster ride with exciting action and difficult human emotions. You really get insight into the human side if Peter Parker and his struggle with losing everyone close to him and it adds so much to the movie as a whole. Dane DeHann slays as Harry Osborn/Green Goblin setting up The Amazing Spider-Man 3 to be a crown jewel of this current iteration. Jamie Foxx was surprisingly great in his role as Electro, benefitting in part by not being featured as much as can sometimes happen to main villains in comic movies. Whether you enjoyed the first movie or not, I think there’s something for everyone to enjoy in this sequel and I’d recommend seeing it before it drops out of theaters for sure.
Bottom Line: It’s long and there’s a lot if story to take in, but you’d be mistaken to not give this one a try, I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised like I was.
Rating: 3.5/5


Bonus content cause we love ya:

Captain America: The Winter Blogger

Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) | Trailer
Run Time: 136 minutes

Rated: PG-13 (For intense sequences of violence, gunplay and action throughout.)
Directed By: Anthony and Joe Russo

Ah, another Captain America movie, all is right with the world. Just when you thought H.Y.D.R.A. was defeated, it rears its ugly head(s) and turns Captain America into a fugitive of SHIELD. The Captain now has to find the double agents within SHIELD with the help of Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) and his new friend The Falcon (Anthony Mackie). The Falcon is a former paratrooper who volunteers his time at the VA and quickly becomes the perfect partner-in-justice for Captain America, providing comedic relief and awesome Exo-Skeleton flying. The crew finds themselves fighting a deadly assassin known only as The Winter Soldier. He’s believed to be responsible for deaths over the past 50 years and some don’t even believe he exists. This all comes to a head for Rogers when he finds out just who’s behind the mask of The Winter Soldier. This movie has everything you want from a comic book movie. It’s got plenty of shield flying action, awesome fight scenes and special effects, and a particularly fitting political element that relates to our world today. Chris Evans shines again as Captain America and has become even more appealing this time around. Evans brings an incredible balance between the “aw-shucks” reality he once knew with the fear-based realities of the modern world. Joe and Anthony Russo are surprisingly adept at creating an action film, as their previous experience may lead viewers to maybe doubt their ability in this genre (You, Me and Dupree, “Community,” and “Arrested Development”). They provide compelling scenes, wonderfully composed and full of in-you-face action without going completely over the top. This movie stands alone in the Marvel universe like none of their other films do, it’s a great spy-thriller with stellar writing and perfect acting performances. Marvel is building towards something big and this is an immensely enjoyable stop along the journey.
Bottom Line: This installment really raises the stakes compared to the first film, providing an incredible storyline, tons of character development and all without skimping on the action. If you’ve enjoyed the Marvel journey so far, this movie lives up to and exceeds expectations. Go see it this weekend. (PS. Stay for the two bonus scenes after the credits.)
Rating: 4.5/5

If I had to choose one word to describe the new Captain America movie, it would be badass. No question about it. I don’t remember much about the first one, but I’m pretty sure I thought it was good, but slightly boring. The Winter Soldier is anything but that. The story line is complex, intriguing, and has just the right amount of perfectly placed humor. This is definitely the beginning of the dark side to the Marvel comics, and I’m super excited about it. (It made me want to actually read the comics). It’s like they finally realized, if Christopher Nolan can do it, so can they. Also, Chris Evans is like, the most perfect Captain America. Not only in the fact that he’s an all-American guy, but also in the sense that he is so pure and truly cares about the world. And I’ll always think of Agent Hill as Aunt Robin with a much cooler job.
Bottom Line: See it. See it now. If you don’t like Captain America, you don’t like America.
Rating: 4.5/5

Captain America: The Winter Soldier improves upon its predecessor by presenting a more action-packed and character-driven film to go along with a complex and often compelling storyline. The Russo brothers do a fine job of providing a good mixture of the typical, needed, Marvel action as well as implementing real character development that most Marvel movies seem to lack. The Winter Soldier possibly offers Samuel L. Jackson’s best performance as the character Nick Fury as well as receiving yet another solid showing from Chris Evans as WWII hero, Steve Rogers. Though it has its flaws (it is a Marvel movie), its positives outweigh those negatives and gives us something to just sit back and enjoy.
Bottom line: Probably my favorite Marvel movie since the first Ironman; The Winter Soldier is a lot of fun and is a great addition to this very successful movie franchise.
Rating: 4/5

Okay, so I’m not an Avengers expert. But I have to say this is the best one I’ve seen. There are sometimes that the plot gets away from itself (like a Nazi scientist’s consciousness uploaded onto a government computer, what?!). But I think what the plot lacks is made up in character development and BA action sequences. I mean, they must have just brainstormed creative ways to kill red shirts or for Cap to use his shield in impossible situations. Black Widow and Falcon balance out Cap, showing him (and us) that superheroes don’t have to All-American order-followers. PLUS, Black Widow and Robin Scherbatsky were both awesome characters, heroes in their own right.
(P.S. Shout out to my family for coming on assignment with us this week! Totally worth it, right?)
Bottom Line: Fun movie any time.
Rating: 4/5